Alcohol is an addictive substance that impacts millions of men and women each year and is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the U.S. Those who abuse alcohol and try to quit will need to enroll in alcohol addiction rehab to get through the painful and sometimes deadly withdrawal symptoms of alcohol addiction. A residential treatment program is the best option for individuals with severe alcohol addiction and is typically followed up by an outpatient therapy program.
Enrolling in an inpatient alcohol rehab program gives men and women a safer recovery experience than trying to quit alone. Individuals will work with a team of therapists and medical staff to address the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Clients will participate in group and private therapy sessions using a combination of behavioral therapy and medical support. To learn how a residential treatment program can help, reach out to an addiction treatment center near you today to begin your recovery journey.
Recognizing When it’s Time for Alcohol Addiction Rehab
Knowing the signs of addiction is important to know if you or a loved one regularly drinks alcohol for its intoxicating effects. While some research suggests that a small amount of alcohol each night is OK, many people will consume two to three drinks during a meal. As tolerance levels build, so will the amount of alcohol they need to feel the same effects, which can cause them to drink more.
Men and women who regularly have multiple drinks per night will develop a dependence on alcohol that can cause severe withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms can begin as soon as six hours after their last drink. If you are concerned that a friend or loved one is abusing alcohol, getting them into alcohol addiction rehab can save their life.
Delirium tremens is a deadly symptom of alcohol withdrawal, and if left untreated, it can cause high body temperatures, irregular cardiac rhythm, and worsening seizures. Fortunately, rehab programs utilize medication that can reduce delirium tremens and other withdrawal symptoms of alcohol addiction.
Enrolling in alcohol addiction treatment is necessary for people who have abused alcohol for a long period of time and are ready to quit. A residential treatment program gives clients time away from their daily lives and habit triggers in order to focus on their recovery and begin rebuilding their lives.
The Benefits of an Alcohol Addiction Rehab Program
An inpatient alcohol addiction rehab program gives individuals a safe space to recover from alcohol addiction with a team of therapists and medical staff to support their recovery. They teach clients about the dangers of addiction and how it affects everyone in their lives. Here are some of the benefits of enrolling in an alcohol addiction rehab center:
Addiction Education
Alcohol addiction treatment includes educating clients on the dangers of addiction and the damage it can cause to your body and brain. Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to kidney/liver damage, heart disease, certain cancers, brain shrinkage, and much more.
Behavioral Therapy
Each person will talk with a behavioral therapist in group and private therapy sessions to uncover the root cause of the addiction and begin healing. Using various techniques, they teach clients how to process their feelings without triggering any negative behaviors such as abusing alcohol or other harmful actions. They develop healthy coping skills that allow them to face any situation confidently, knowing they have the tools to resist any urges or temptations.
Medication-Assisted Treatment
During alcohol addiction rehab, medication is used to reduce the effects of alcohol withdrawals. Medical staff will administer specific dosages to each client and monitor them for any adverse reactions. Over time, withdrawal symptoms will disappear, and the need for the medication. Medical staff will begin reducing the amount of medication until no longer necessary.
In severe cases, some clients may need lifetime medication to treat any medical conditions caused by the abuse.
Repairing Family Relationships
Alcohol addiction is one of the leading causes of divorce and broken families. During recovery, parents, spouses, and children will have a chance to talk with a therapist about their feelings and any frustrations they have. They learn how to move past their anger and begin creating a stable home environment that will support their recovery.
Search for Alcohol Detox Program Near You to Begin Recovery
If you feel you have a problem with alcohol, enrolling in an alcohol detox program gives you the greatest chance of beating the addiction and rebuilding your life. During therapy, you will learn what triggers your desire to drink and how to cope with those feelings without the need for more alcohol. The skills you learn will also improve other aspects of your life, and that will help ensure a healthy lifestyle.
If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, reach out to an alcohol addiction treatment center near you today.